Jejunal (J) Tube

J-Tubes are a long-term option that go through both the abdomen and the stomach, and then continue into the part of the small intestine called the jejunum.

A few different scenarios require a person to get a J-Tube instead of a G-Tube. Doctors may also suggest J-Tubes for people with slowed digestion to prevent reflux or other issues that a direct-to-stomach tube might cause.

Like G-Tubes, J-Tubes have the flexibility of serving as either a standard-length tube or a low-profile tube (button). J-Tubes are placed through various endoscopic or surgical procedures. Because the tube extends down into the small intestine, these tubes cannot be replaced at home.

What Does a J-Tube Look Like?

test Click image to enlarge.
Click image to enlarge.


This low-profile tube, sometimes called a “button”, uses a MIC-KEY* Extension Set that can be detached when not in use that allows it to be easily hidden under clothing.


This is a standard-length tube, sometimes called a “dangler.”

MIC-KEY* Continuous Extension Set

The extension set attaches to any MIC-KEY* feeding tube when nutrition, fluids or medication need to be given.