

Gastro-Jejunal (GJ) Tube

Before the Procedure

On the day of the surgery, you should be shown a GJ-Tube or a picture of one, with an explanation of its capabilities, including when to use the jejunal and gastric ports. GJ-Tubes may be low-profile or standard-length.

You will be instructed 24-48 hours on pre-procedure protocol, including how to prepare for the intervention and a specific number of hours to hold fluids and foods. You’ll also be given instructions on what supplies are needed and where to get them.

Your care team will review information on how to use your tube and supplies again after the procedure.

During the Procedure

You or your loved one may receive general anaesthesia for the procedure. Expect the procedure to take one hour, with one to three hours in the post-anaesthesia recovery area.

For laparoscopic placement, the abdomen will feel full because air was placed into the abdomen to assist with the tube placement.

After the Procedure

Feeding won’t be allowed for a few hours to 24 hours after the procedure. The care team will watch you or your loved one closely. When the time’s right, they’ll gradually start tube feeds.

Until the stoma site is fully healed, do not immerse your stoma site in water. You may have showers not baths. Your healthcare professional will advise when you can have a bath or go swimming.

Your care team will teach you how to clean the tube and stoma site.

For the first two weeks after placement the stoma site should be cleaned daily using gauze and sterile water. Start near the stoma site and move outwards in circular motions. Do not adjust the retention disc that keeps the tube in place. Expect to see the first days after placement some drainage (clear or blood-tinged) at the site. Gently remove any residue. Be sure to thoroughly rinse and dry the area afterwards. Some redness after the procedure is normal and should go away in about three days.

Some medication may be given to help with pain, as well as a prescription to take home. Make sure you understand if medication should be given via the J port or the G port, or if it can be taken orally.

Your will be taught how to administer tube feeds, medication, venting and what requires emergent (immediate) attention and care and what can be addressed within a 24 hour period. You’ll also be given a feeding schedule.

After two weeks, the tube and stoma site can be cleaned with soap and water, rinse and dry the area afterwards.

Remember: do NOT rotate this GJ-Tube.

You’ll be told who and when to call if you have any problems, as well as what requires emergent (immediate) attention and care and what can be addressed within a 24-hour period.

Your First Day at Home

On the first day home, continue to watch for signs of pain and administer medicine based on your care team’s advice.

Be sure to avoid clothes that are tight-fitting or may cause friction against the stoma site. Securing a standard-length tube will help prevent the tube from getting snagged or yanked out accidentally.

Follow your feeding schedule and instructions, utilising venting as needed and if recommended by your care team. Set up your pump on a pole or in a backpack for continuous feeds.

Performing daily tube and stoma care is important.  Oral care should also still be done, regardless if any food or medication is consumed orally.  Frequent toothbrushing and rinsing your mouth several times a day is helpful.

Your care team should have taught you how to give medications and what port to use, as well as instructions if the medications need to be diluted with water to prevent cramping and diarrhea. Be sure to follow instructions on when and how to give medications and flush your tube before and after medications are administered. Proper flushing with small volumes of water and tube care is particularly important with a GJ-Tube as they are more prone to clogs.

Make sure the tube is protected from excessive handling, as well as protected from pets or small children. Remember: do NOT rotate a GJ-Tube.

Give your information to your home medical equipment provider for future supply needs.

Understand and follow guidance on urgent situations (requires attention within 24 hours) and emergent problems (requires immediate care).

Remember: the first day at home after any big change is going to require some adjustment. But before long, you’ll become more used to the feeding tube and you’ll develop a new routine that’s second nature to you.

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